Thermomix TM6 Review

Can’t cook? Well, there might be hope for you after all once you’ve read this Thermomix TM6 review. The idea is to do it all in one with step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions.

What is a Thermomix TM6?

The Thermomix TM6 is a model in the cooking appliance series by the German company Vorwerk. It is designed to simplify cooking in all aspects using an all-in-one appliance that can take care of many aspects of the process.

The TM6 has a touch screen and built-in recipes to guide you every step of the way. All the operator needs to be able to do is prepare the ingredients and follow simple instructions.

If you have low confidence in the kitchen, or just want to make the whole process of making food for yourself and/or others easier, it’s something well worth considering. Now that’s covered, let’s take a look at the Thermomix and see what it can do.

Thermomix Parts and Accessories

What can you get to aid with your cooking adventures? Here is what I am using for the purposes of this review from the Thermomix series:

  • Thermomix
  • Thermomix Friend
  • Thermomix Server
  • Thermomix Blade Cover

First Impressions of the Thermomix TM6

I have to admit that my excitement levels heightened at the thought of being able ‘to cook’. That enthusiasm was not dampened while looking through the thousands of available recipes.

The recipes are all available on a website called Cookidoo – an odd name – but it is Thermomix’s official recipe platform!

The idea is that all one has to really do is to select a recipe from Cookidoo, order the ingredients (if you don’t already have them available) and then prepare each ingredient amount.

Then, once the ingredients are all measured out, press start on the TM6 and follow the instructions. It all revolves around the Thermomix mixing bowl.

How the TM6 System Works

The real genius of the TM6 (and Thermomix in general) is that it has several parts that help you be able to do all manner of cooking tasks quickly.

The main mixing bowl comes equipped with blades that you will use to mix, blend and cut up various bits of food. It’s also where heating (cooking) takes place, with Thermomix TM6 being able to heat up to 160 degrees centigrade. So, yes, you can even use it as a kettle if you want to!

Then there are the accessories like the Varoma® dish which can be placed on top of the mixing bowl to steam vegetables and other items, for example. The Varoma can only be used for temperatures up to 120°C, it’s worth noting!

The TM6 system also comes with a steaming basket and multipurpose spatula. In case you are already wondering, yes; these things all get used often. All components are essential and add to the flexibility of this quite clever cooking system overall.


The Thermomix Friend is like a duplicate of the mixing bowl and can be used in some recipes where it’s needed in Cookidoo. That is, if you don’t have the Friend, you won’t be able to make it or follow the instructions.

It is there to save time while cooking using the TM6, as the two units work in tandem. The Friend connects to the TM6 via Bluetooth. The wonders of modern cooking!

Thermomix Thermo Server

The Thermomix Thermo Server is a place to put food to keep it warm while you are waiting for other food to finish being prepared. It’s very handy and is basically like a big thermos, insulating whatever you put inside once the lid has been placed on top.

I recommend that you invest in one of these, as it is not part of the base system.


When the cooking is all said and done, you will of course be left to clean up. And your Thermomix mixing bowl is likely going to be the dirtiest of all, especially if you’ve been doing mixing of a lot of ingredients and heated cooking in it.

Fortunately, there is a setting called ‘Pre-Clean’ that means it’s as simple as filling the bowl with a bit of water and adding just a drop of dishwashing liquid. You then set this off and it cleans itself – wonderful!

Of course, it means that afterward, you need to empty the contents and also give it a bit of a rinse and dry, but it handles a lot of the mard work, saving a bit of elbow grease.


One thing is for sure, the proof’s in the eating – literally – of how good the meals actually are once you have completed the Thermomix instructions for what you have cooked.

I am pleased to report that the meals are mainly very good indeed. The first thing. that I attempted was to make some honeycomb. It’s probably the simplest thing that one can make in the TM6 and it was mainly to start becoming familiar with it.

The result was that it produced the goods, although it tasted a little on the burned side. maybe I left it in a few seconds too long before transferring it out of the mixing bowl. It was the first attempt so let’s put that one down to being a beginner.

Next up were a few more challenging (but still easy on the TM6) meals.

Detox Salad

This was a simple-to-make and quick meal on a low-calorie day. It only took 20 minutes or so from start to finish. the result was a pretty delicious salad.

Curry Noodles with Pork

It was time to up the game with a more substantial meal. this one actually ended up taking me a couple of hours end-to-end. However, it all seemed worth it when the food was served.

Family members gave a nod of approval, saying that it was fairly tasty if not anything to write home about.

Sticky Sesame Chicken

Inspired by the previous attempt, it was time for something that sounded tastier. And this time the result was a bonafide hit. Again, it took a little less than a couple of hours to get on the table.

A thumbs-up all around for this one. The diners looked very impressed indeed.

Tomato and Bacon Spaghetti

A bit of a downgrade in terms of culinary delights with this one. It was OK, but again not brilliant. I suppose it tasted a bit like it sounded. No rave reviews from the consumers, but one more down to experience.


Something simple this time, as there were a few avocados that needed eating before they got too old! Even though it is a very simple and quick food to prepare, the guacamole came out looking and tasting superb.

This is one that will definitely go on the ‘make again’ list.

Is the Thermomix TM6 Worth it?

The Thermomix TM6 and accessories are not cheap, it must be mentioned. However, once you begin to realise just how much you can do with Thermomix, it becomes clear that you could get by with it alone in the kitchen.

In my opinion, this is a brilliant cooking system overall once you get used to it. Using the TM6 for cooking is a bit like how many of us are using satellite navigation for driving. Just follow the instructions blindly and see where you end up!

I’ll keep you posted here with updates of culinary adventures on using the TM6.


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